by Claire Lefèvre

Score for pleasure score for softness

A collection of radically soft practices.
Pick one task to practice every day for a week.
Or try to do them all in one day. 
Or ignore this list and take a nap.

Relax your jaw. Soften your shoulders. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.


Look at your calendar. If you can, cancel something that isn't actually urgent/vital/pleasure inducing. Reserve that time for resting instead.


Listen to a whole album/podcast/radio show from beginning to end. Try to resist doing anything else. Some recommendations:

Kae Tempest – The Book Of Traps And Lessons
How to Survive the End of the World – On Listening
SVANI | NAINA at Reprezent Radio


Prepare a care package for someone you love: a sweet letter, great snacks, printed pictures of the two of you together, maybe a book you think they'd like or a silly handmade gift. Send it by mail or drop it by their place.


Ask for help for something on your to-do-list. (or something on this list.) Even if you could probably manage alone. Ask for help anyways.


Add an automated response to your emails saying something like: Thank you for reaching out. In order to give your message the full attention it deserves, I might need up to a week to answer with care and consideration. I’m grateful for your patience. Warmly, (insert your name)


Watch melodramatic TV and let yourself cry.


Take time to re-organise your library according to which authors you think could fall in love. Place their books next to one another and imagine their first conversation. Polyamory is always an option. (Inspired by and dedicated to library witch Alix Eynaudi)


Next time you're in a group meeting, read the room: notice who is here, who isn’t, who should be. Take more or less space accordingly. 


Masturbate. Try switching things up: do it at an unusual time of the day, using toys, using lube, outside of your bedroom, in a different position, with company.


Paint your nails. Ask a friend to pick a colour for you. Don't do anything with your hands while they dry (suggested drying time: 20 minutes)


Practice saying no until you become very good at it: start with friends (ex: no I can't take care of your cat right now) and move on to institutions (ex: no I won't do this job for free) and beyond (ex: no you won't take away abortion rights)


Claire Lefèvre is a French choreographer, performer and writer, currently based in Vienna, Austria. She likes to think of herself as a hostess, welcoming collaborators and audience members into kitsch landscapes where politics and poetics are gently interwoven. For the past 3 years she has been researching the concept of radical softness as choreographic strategy, embracing hypersensitivity as a method, a topic, and a portal through which to imagine (the) work. A self-titled language nerd, Claire also teaches writing workshops, and is a contributing writer for Springback Magazine.


Copyright: Claire Lefèvre (2021). The Score was commissioned within the frame of the project Scores for Pleasure by Przemek Kamiński. The Score can be accessed and used only through the website Copying and redistributing the Score in any medium or format is not permitted. Only non-commercial uses of the Score are permitted. No derivatives or adaptations of the Score are permitted.