
Mouthing report – on dance

by Chinasa Vivian Ezugha

Face the mirror, choose a mirror
Move close to the mirror and zoom in with your eyes
and body, so that all you see is your mouth.

a) slowly start to move your mouth while its closed

remember that your mouth is now walking, so don’t be in such a hurry.

b) now slowly start to open your mouth until it hurts

Consider you have only 10 seconds or perhaps 1 minute to complete this action, in order to change a perspective or even someone’s life. Would it be easier to look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge your mouth?


Chinasa Vivian Ezugha is an award-winning Nigerian-born, British artist living and working in Hampshire. Her interdisciplinary practice spans Live Art, film and drawing. Interested in history and how it is performed in the mundanity of everyday living, performance for her is an embodiment of past, present and future experiences.


Copyright: Chinasa Vivian Ezugha (2021). The Score was commissioned within the frame of the project Scores for Pleasure by Przemek Kamiński. The Score can be accessed and used only through the website Copying and redistributing the Score in any medium or format is not permitted. Only non-commercial uses of the Score are permitted. No derivatives or adaptations of the Score are permitted.